JAWS Scripts For Virtual Audio Cable Applications
Doug Lee
Last Revised November, 2022

This document describes the scripts for Virtual Audio Cable applications. These scripts cover the two Audio Repeater applications (KS and MME) and the VAC Control Panel. This document can be opened from within these applications via a double press of JAWSKey+F1 (or Insert+F1).

Table of Contents

System Requirements For JAWS Users

There are no known system requirements for these scripts beyond those for these applications themselves. JAWS 14.0 or later is required. These scripts work best with VAC versions 4.60 and later and will not correctly name some fields in older VAC versions.

These scripts were written and/or tested against the following VAC software versions over time. The JAWSKey+Ctrl+V command should announce the current application's version number. (The VAC Control Panel may be an exception.) Versions are shown most recent first.

Virtual Audio Cable software versions scripted
VAC Version Audio Repeater KS Audio Repeater MME VAC Control Panel Comments
4.67 (2022) 1.89 1.60 4.67 Field naming is best done via tool tips, as is done in current scripts
4.62 (2020) 1.89 1.57 4.62 Field naming is best done via tool tips, as is done in current scripts
4.60 (2018) 1.82 1.53 4.14 Field naming is best done via tool tips, as is done in current scripts
4.15 (2015) 1.86 1.53   Some added fields may not be correctly named, and current scripts will not work well because this VAC version does not include tool tips
4.14 (2014) 1.82 1.51   Initial version scripted.

Script Installation Instructions

To install these scripts on a new system:

  1. Load JAWS if this has not already been done. This will require administrative privileges on the computer.
  2. Run JAWS as the user for whom the scripts are to be installed. This and the following steps must be performed for each user of the computer who will be using JAWS with these scripts.
  3. Download and run, or run directly, the installer for these scripts; and follow the on-screen directions. Be sure to install the scripts in the currently running JAWS version if a JAWS version list is presented. Use this revision 35 script set instead for VAC versions older than 4.60.
  4. To verify successful installation, type Insert+Q from within the application. Part of the JAWS spoken response should be a revision number. If you do not hear a revision number, the scripts are not correctly loaded.

Script Features In Brief

These scripts offer the following features:

Revision History

Here is the revision history of these scripts, most recent revision first:

Revision 66, released November 14, 2022, tested against VAC 4.67

Revision 54, released July 26, 2020, tested against VAC 4.62 and 4.64

Revision 35, released May 23, 2018

This is the first update to these scripts since mid 2014:

Revision 7, released June 16, 2014

This is the first revision, covering field naming, focus loss, tab order, and double speech issues in both variants of autorepeater.